Ebadi receives a delegation from the company, “Toyota” Japanese investors are looking to bring with them to Iraq

Ebadi receives a delegation from the company, “Toyota” Japanese investors are looking to bring with them to Iraq

25/08/2016 19:28 pm (Baghdad time)

Ebadi receives a delegation from the company Toyota Japanese investors are looking to bring with them to IraqBAGHDAD – balances News
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, received, on Thursday, a delegation of the Japanese Toyota company, in search Abadi them bring investors to Iraq.
According to a statement, received / balances News /, a copy of it, that “the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, received a delegation from the Japanese Toyota company headed by Mr. Masato Ashida director of the company in the continent of Asia.”
He welcomed Abadi, according to the statement, “the delegation,” stressing “the importance of bringing investors to Iraq, especially the staid companies that have a long tradition in the field of investment.”
In turn, said the Japanese delegation, according to the statement, “the importance of the Iraqi market for investment,” noting that “interest in the stability of the situation in Iraq and seeking to train Iraqi cadres on modern technologies” .anthy 29/9 P
