E prevent currency manipulation collects money

E prevent currency manipulation collects money

7/31/2016 0:00

10K Iraqi Dinar notesBAGHDAD – Mostafa Hashemi
adoption of advanced technology in the payment of financial dues to the citizens is an urgent need to achieve significant economic feasibility of the country through the bypassed all the manipulation and corruption that may accompany the collection operations in the various public services, and the successful to address the economic problems of international experience must be gate access of developmental decline suffered by Iraq, and sees specialists that electronic currency one of the gates of reform that should be adopted in the collection operations.
chairman of the Iraqi National business Council David Abdul Zayer stressed that the most advanced technology in the collection operations achieved substantial revenue for Iraq by issuing electronic currency «electronic dinar», noting that if the internal state revenues are estimated with 15 billion dinars from taxes and levies instruct the Finance Ministry to print 15 billion dinars
he pointed out that every four months raises the electronic starting from the first month , the currency in the public and uses the electronic dinar in levies and uses a payment in various levies a fine, electricity, water , taxes, registration mortgage. million Zayer said that the value of this system million state – sponsored and bring considerable economic feasibility, and put the first meal in the first four months of the year where they are put up a fixed amount of currency during this period and when a shortfall is thrown the amount of the allocation of four other months of the year, but is working in her term, as the e – her currency beginning and no end is, he » guaranteed». He pointed out that the currency can be displayed by the circulation of months here are a citizen can Aoualemstvid purchased at a discount and sell them without the discount during the period of circulation and here he would have made ​​a great benefit also achieves economic feasibility while transferred funds from the compactness to the banking system , which could this money hiring in the labor market and moving the various stalled economic activities due to lack of your Credit in banks. He noted that the state can intervene and assist in the transfer of money chunky to the banking system, and the electronic coin operated according to a sophisticated system pay the amounts and prevents all tracks of corruption and eliminates bureaucracy and depends in most countries of the world, pointing to the importance of issuing a government decision and that produces significant benefits to state revenue without pressure on the citizen and to ensure the delivery of a complete levies to the state treasury only. economic growth and stressed the importance of benefiting from successful international experiences in addressing our economic problems because it’s been a lot of state conditions such as those experienced by our country and managed to overcome them and achieve economic growth, which leads us to work hard to pull Iraq back from the painful reality of living. and insertions customs student Zayer need to adopt advanced systems in customs clearance and overcome the traditional systems currently approved and that confuses the reality of work and interspersed manipulate customs value of real operations. he stressed that in all countries of the world there is the barcode system , which includes serial numbers represent symbols of industry specific and country of origin where they can see material manufacturer and source of during this international system, and upon the arrival of manufactured goods globally to ports are customs satisfy adoption depending on the barcode stainless manipulation. He noted that the National business Iraqi Council proposed increasing import licenses fees and numbered under barcode types of imported goods and the collection of customs duties and taxes directly and can be done by private sector companies that customs clearance pre – payment.
