Doctor Jalal Talabani expresses delight of the evolution of the president’s health

Doctor Jalal Talabani expresses delight of the evolution of the president’s health


Palm – expressed Doctor President Jalal Talabani, on Sunday, was pleased about the “remarkable development of the health status of the President,” asserting that the president’s health continues to improve. said the governor of Kirkuk, a doctor Chairman’s Necmettin cream in an interview media that the health of President Jalal Talabani, very good which in continuous improvement, stressing that the information conveyed by some local media about the deteriorating health of President is inaccurate. called cream of the media to be accurate in the transfer of information on health-President, explaining that he had authorized only to make statements on the health of the President. called cream of the Iraqi people generally The people of Kurdistan private disbelief any news both domestically and Iraqi or from outside Iraq, pointing out that he had contacted the team medical supervisor to treat President Jalal Talabani and stressed that the president’s health is very good and stable and continuous improvement day by day. was the president’s office said, on 18 February 2013, continued improvement in the health status of President Jalal Talabani, referring to the accelerated response to treatments and exercises conducted by his medical team German specialist. ‘s office said President Jalal Talabani, in (20 December 2012), the latter left the hospital Medical City in Baghdad on his way to Germany for treatment. Talabani suffer from health crises successive, where the transfer in 2007 to the King Hussein Medical Hospital in Jordan, which remained there for weeks and then he was transferred for treatment at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in the United States.