Disclosure of the names of those who will occupy the vacant ministries

Disclosure of the names of those who will occupy the vacant ministries

Sun, 14 Aug 2016 09:07:01

Disclosure of the names of those who will occupy the vacant ministriesObserver news / Baghdad ,

informed sources revealed for “obelisk” for a new candidate names for the portfolios Ahagrh, waiting for the House vote.

The source reported that the distribution of portfolios Wazzarah, will be as follows:
Qasim al – Araji of the Ministry of the Interior
Jabbar and coffee to the Ministry of Oil
Kazem cup of the Ministry of Transport
Razak Alissa to the Ministry of Higher Education
Hassan al – Janabi , the Ministry of water resources
Umid Ahmed of the Ministry of trade
Youssef al – Asadi of the Ministry of Industry
that wholesome Osei to the Ministry of Construction and housing, municipalities
and these names Sovisd shortage of ministerial cabin where it is hoped to vote on these names , which will constitute the next technocrat government.

He held the Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi understandings task with the political blocs on the fill in the blanks Wazzarah.oma still a number of ministries vacant due to the resignation of the minister , which is both oil and transportation, ages, resources, industry and Aldakhalihwaltalim
