Disclosure Of The Mechanism For Distributing Positions Among The Political Blocs In The New Government

Disclosure Of The Mechanism For Distributing Positions Among The Political Blocs In The New Government

06/28/2022 | 2:06 PM

Disclosure Of The Mechanism For Distributing Positions Among The Political Blocs In The New GovernmentInformation / special…

A member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Ghazanfar al-Batekh, confirmed, on Tuesday, that the largest bloc in the House of Representatives, represented in the coordination framework, will get 12 ministries in the new government.

Al-Bateekh said in a statement to “Al-Maalouma”, that “the largest bloc in the House of Representatives, represented in the coordination framework, will get 12 ministries in the government that will be formed,” noting that “the blocs that will form the government with the coordination framework will get the remaining 9 ministries.”

He added, “The Council of Ministers will be political and not technocrats, but it is possible that the deputy minister will be technocrats, or the general manager.”

Al-Bateekh explained that “the coordination framework defined this mechanism in order for the minister to be supported in his work by the bloc that nominated him to provide his best, especially in the current situation that needs advancement and transition at all levels, and also personally accountable for any failure that occurred during his tenure of office.”

The deputy of the coordination framework, Ahmed Al-Asadi, had announced earlier, the approval of the political blocs to proceed with the formation of the new federal government, according to the principle of “partnership, balance, and consensus.” finished/25j
