Disclosure of the content of the resolution that will be voted on by the parliament regarding the American aggression

Disclosure of the content of the resolution that will be voted on by the parliament regarding the American aggression

1/5/2020 13:31

Disclosure of the content of the resolution that will be voted on by the parliament regarding the American aggression[Baghdad-Ain]
A representative source revealed the text of the parliamentary decision that will be voted on by the House of Representatives at its special session scheduled for Sunday regarding the American aggression against the sovereignty of Iraq and targeting the popular crowd.
The source stated in a press statement that “the text of the decision is:” The House of Representatives decided in its twenty-eighth session, held on 5/1/2020 of the first legislative term, the second legislative year / fourth parliamentary session and according to the provisions of Articles (59 / second) and (1) and (109) From the constitution and based on the national and supervisory duty of the parliament as a representative of the Iraqi people with all its components, and in the interest of the safety and sovereignty of Iraq over its lands and people and in accordance with the powers granted to it according to the constitution, issuing the following decision:
1- Obliging the Iraqi government to cancel the request for assistance submitted to it by the international coalition To fight ISIS on / 2016, because The military and military operations in Iraq are ended, victory is achieved, and the Iraqi government must work to end the presence of any foreign forces in the territories and prevent them from using the Iraqi airspace for any reason within a period ().
2- The Iraqi government, represented by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, must announce the preparation of foreign technicians and trainers that need them, their whereabouts, tasks and the duration of their contracts.
3- The Iraqi government, represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, should go to the United Nations and the International Security Council and file a complaint against the United States of America for its violations and grave breaches of Iraqi sovereignty and security.
4- This decision is implemented from the date of voting on it.
The United States had killed and wounded about 70 Hizbullah brigades of the Popular Mobilization in the district of Al-Qaim, west of Al-Anbar Province, last Sunday.
A US air plane also assassinated the raid of the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Organization, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, and the commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Qassem Soleimani, and a number of people with them near Baghdad International Airport last Friday.
The Presidency of the Parliament decided to hold a special session scheduled today, Sunday, to discuss the implications of the American attacks and to discuss a proposal to remove the American forces from the country.
