Disclosure of a major corruption deal with al-Maliki era aircraft company had no effect
Disclosure of a major corruption deal with al-Maliki era aircraft company had no effect
September 14 .2015 – 11:45
Sumer News / Baghdad
It revealed the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, on Monday, a large shady deal under former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the purchase of a Serbian aircraft contracts.
A member of the Committee MP Adel Nouri, in a press statement, “After our follow-up we spotted a great havoc in the purchase of Serbian aircraft contracts under the previous government.”
Nuri said, “We have reached through careful follow-up to the company which was the conclusion of contracts with it liquidated a decade ago, leaving no trace of her, in addition to doubling the allocation of tens of times on the real aircraft prices rates, as well as foot aircraft.”
The Nuri, that the committee would take legal action if the conclusion of the investigation in this regard, to provide the accused in this deal to the courts.