Disclosure of $ 250 million in Lebanon smuggled Saddam’s regime
Disclosure of $ 250 million in Lebanon smuggled Saddam’s regime while
Published 12/05/2013 02:50 AM
Babinaoz – Agencies: resulted in census operations and evaluate the financial and economic entities of the dictatorial regime and his aides made by the Supreme National Commission for Accountability and Justice for the discovery of about $ 250 million scattered in Lebanon, as well as other accounts frozen in Jordan.
Chairman of the Commission in charge as Mohammed al-Badri said in a statement singled out by the (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network): “The Commission would prepare special reports to count and evaluate the financial and economic entities of the system buried and his aides and submitted to the Prime Minister.”
Badri pointed out that there are people who are in Lebanon and Jordan were the beneficiaries at the time of the oil-for-food program, which was an outlet for the corruption of the former regime and his aides and some of them are covered by the decision of the Security Council reserve money and frozen.
He added that the Authority was able to detect the presence of about $ 250 million scattered in Lebanon, while I found other frozen accounts in Jordan.
He cautioned Badri that this amount of money was part of a program memorandum of oil-for-food, which began through intermediaries in Canada, Australia, Jordan, Lebanon, pointing out that the previous regime was buying material amounts of certain when the titles and receipts weakening original figures.
Paragraph “h” of Chapter VI Article XVIII structure of the body in the law of the Supreme National Commission for Accountability and Justice No. 10 of 2008 on the formation of the Department of prosecutions of financial and economic headed by General Manager holds a degree primarily in the least and has the experience of not less than ten years, and holds the census and evaluate the financial and economic entities seized by agents of the dictatorial regime and follow up on these properties and entities inside and outside Iraq and make recommendations to the relevant bodies to be recovered.
He explained that “the difference in money is deposited in the account of the names of people employed by the previous regime was brokers to buy other materials.”