Director of “CIA” Convert to Islam?!!

Director of “CIA” Convert to Islam?!!


Palm – A report Ahbara by the Irish origin, John Brennan, the new nominee for the post of Director of the Office of the U.S. intelligence “CNN. Any. Any” converted to Islam.

The expert said the Islamic affairs and a former client in “F. Me. Aye” John Jawadolo, who resigned in late 2008 of the Federal Bureau of Investigation: The Brennan converted to Islam in Saudi Arabia when he was between 1996 and 1999 as director of station U.S. intelligence at the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh.

The expert pointed out that Brennan visited Mecca and Medina during the pilgrimage season, accompanied by Saudi officials, may have worked during the knowledge to make Islam endearing to his heart and familiar feelings, Vaatnq religion and this move secretly remained personally in his life.

Broadcast program Video Capture, appeared distorted very cross screen “Skype” during the interview, but with the clear voice, and where he says Brennan he visited Mecca, prohibited from entering the non-Muslims, and are stricter and the impossibility during the pilgrimage season, “which confirms his conversion to Islam,” according to concluded Jawadolo.

This came during a radio interview illustrated via “Skype” Jawadloa prepared him famous radio compatriot Tom Trento, the program “Trento Radio Show”

And Brennan, who did not issue him any denials about his conversion to Islam, close to President Barack Obama and worked with him throughout 4 years ago, and was at his side in the White House watching with others band commandos States and is kill Osama bin Laden late, and served as a great advisers for the fight against terrorism, and was a senior in “CNN. any. er” during the former President George Bush.

And last Thursday night defended in session long 3 hours before the Intelligence Committee congressman Obama’s candidacy has to manage the “CNN. Aye. A.” where he worked for 25 years, responded to embarrassing questions about what it would be like their role in the next stage and its relationship with the presidency and Congress, also defended use of drones as a weapon of last resort, which is now expected to approve the appointment or reject.
