Director of Al-Baghdadi District: The number of US forces at Al-Assad base is unknown, and we have not seen a withdrawal!

Director of Al-Baghdadi District: The number of US forces at Al-Assad base is unknown, and we have not seen a withdrawal!


Director of Al-Baghdadi District - The number of US forces at Al-Assad base is unknown and we have not seen a withdrawalThe director of Al-Baghdadi district, Sharhabeel Al-Obaidi, confirmed, on Sunday, that the number of US forces inside the Ain Al-Assad base is unknown, indicating that the previously announced numbers are 1000, except for the forces that entered the base after the withdrawal of US forces from Syria.

Al-Obaidi said in an interview, “The number of the American forces is unknown, whether as advisers or fighters, and the announced number is 1,000 fighters, including advisers.”

He added, “We have not seen the withdrawal of any of them, on the ground so far,” noting that “the last time we saw the coalition forces was more than six months ago, since they withdrew from their positions on the Iraqi-Syrian border to join those with them inside the Ain Al-Assad base.” , where they entered at the time with more than 70 vehicles.”

Al-Obaidi explained, “At the time when the coalition forces entered a base to support the Iraqi forces in the war against ISIS, their number did not exceed a thousand, although we are sure that the number is inside the base now, but we did not see the withdrawal of any of them, on the ground Indeed”