Differences Baghdad and Erbil renewed and threatens to derail the implementation of the oil agreement

Differences Baghdad and Erbil renewed and threatens to derail the implementation of the oil agreement

18-12-2014 07:22 AM

Differences Baghdad and Erbil renewed and threatens to derail the implementation of the oil agreementBaghdad Safaa Abdel-Hamid
It was not one month, the agreement between the government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government on the oil file, even kinder to the new arena otherwise, may adversely affect the application of the terms of the agreement, contract or hinder other agreements expected between the two sides in the next phase. In a sign of disagreement between the two sides accuracy, drew MP Kurdistan, Ahmed Hussein, to be ‘recent agreement between the province and the center, did not end the differences between them, but the dispute is established and maintained until today, especially with regard to oil revenues and the file’.
He added that ‘a new problem now emerged between the two parties, represented claim Baghdad to Arbil to pay the amount of money, which belong to the region’s oil export during the previous period’. He disclosed that the ‘region in turn responded to a request Baghdad demanding the payment of amounts maturity oil companies operating in the region. Which may constitute a new node to a new controversy. ‘ Hussain pointed out that ‘the region seeks to resolve problems through dialogue with Baghdad and settled, but the capital send claims from time to time renewed crisis’. He guessed that Hussein ‘have this problem impact on the recent agreement’.
For his part, played down the leader of the ‘forces of Kurdistan’, Mahmoud Othman, of ‘the importance of the recent agreement between Baghdad and Erbil.’ He said that ‘the agreement is nothing more than just an agreement in principle, and only a temporary solution and that it is transparent.’ He stressed that ‘disagreements and other problems will appear in the agreement would, and certainly will be subject to political differences, may impede the resolution of the crisis between the two parties’.
Osman said that ‘the agreement was for the adoption of the budget. The region demands that have the freedom to export its oil. ” He stressed that ‘oil problems between the governments in Baghdad and Erbil, resolved by the passage of the oil and gas law inactivated, and all solutions, except for the adoption of the project, not actual value.’
In turn, the MP for ‘Iraqi coalition forces’, Mohammed al-Obeidi, that ‘no one knows anything about the details of the recent agreement reached between Baghdad and Erbil, only those who attended the meeting in Baghdad, either by the central government or by representatives of Arbil’. He called on the government to ‘show agreement on the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives, for everybody knows the details.’
He stressed Obeidi on ‘The Importance of Being agreements concerning imports of the Iraqi people, transparent, and are under the table and enveloped in mystery.’ He stressed that he ‘must settle the problems between the two sides, according to the principle of equal rights of the people, Oil belongs to the Iraqi people, not the politicians, and distributed according to their agreements’.
In addition to the Kurdish responses, confirmed Iraqi Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, in a press conference, held in Basra, on Wednesday, that ‘Iraq officially released 2.0004 million barrels, except for Kurdistan and Kirkuk (north of exports).’ He pointed out that ‘unremitting efforts now, to expedite the issuance of oil and gas law, to regulate the relationship between the oil ministry and local governments and the producing provinces and the federal government. ”
Abdul-Mahdi stressed that ‘legislation should be the distribution of financial resources Act into law and regulations and directives doable, and not, as is the case in the current period, just a private interpretations’. He revealed that ‘this launch, on Tuesday, in a cabinet meeting, and that it does not hurt interest in Kurdistan, but in the oil-producing provinces interest, to be able to gain a clear rights in the administration and in the oil resources’.

The governments of Baghdad and Erbil, have reached in the second of December / December this after negotiations that lasted for two days to agree on oil dispute. The agreement provided for the region to deliver at least 250 thousand barrels of oil a day, to Baghdad for the purpose of export, in addition to the export of 300 thousand barrels per day by the federal government of the province of Kirkuk fields, through the oil pipeline in Kurdistan.
