Did not face the corruption of adults .. And what is related to small staff .. The coalition of Abadi attacks Abdul Mahdi!
Did not face the corruption of adults .. And what is related to small staff .. The coalition of Abadi attacks Abdul Mahdi!
Sunday, 09 June 2019 at 11:11 AM
Baghdad / Sky Press
The coalition of victory led by former Iraqi prime minister Haider al-Abbadi accused the Supreme Council against corruption headed by Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi.
Aqeel al-Ridini, a leader of the coalition of Abadi, said in remarks yesterday that the Anti-Corruption Council did not dare to approach the files of corruption, which have lost billions of billions of dollars, as well as it did not disclose the wealth of the country.
Al-Ridini said that the fight against real corruption means directly accountability of the heads of political blocs and political leaders and former ministers, but talk about small corrupt, these things can not be considered a real confrontation of corruption.