DG invites Zebari disclosed the price submitted by Iraq to Kuwait for out of Chapter VII
DG invites Zebari disclosed the price submitted by Iraq to Kuwait for out of Chapter VII
Baghdad (newsletter).The prosecutor called for iraqiya free//DG, Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari to disclose the price submitted by Iraq to Kuwait in Exchange for their promise to get us out of Chapter VII.
She told the llaetlaftltk Press Office moved (News Agency) a copy of it: to keep Iraq over the past years under Chapter VII is the injustice itself, force Kuwait’s influence in the United Nations and the Security Council has allowed them the opportunity to exercise their influence to keep Iraq under UN trusteeship, that Kuwait would not be credited with getting us out of Chapter VII, but we look at it as because it keep us unjustly since the 1990s, it has been the cause of all Misfortunes suffered by the Iraqi people.
She added that the $ 11 billion dollars remained harmless to pay for getting us out of Chapter VII, though unfair compensation for guilt did we commit him, but it is a drop in the ocean to what was given to Kuwait from the territory of Iraq and hacker water areas within the territorial waters.
She: it is regrettable and shameful that Kuwait are boasting that they (probably) will get us out of Chapter VII and more painful to hear statements from the Iraqi Foreign Ministry we were close out of Chapter VII only 11 billion dollars to lift us sanctions ‘, adding that ‘ Iraq is more expensive than the Kuwaiti stock exchange, which is controlled by lifting or maintaining sanctions against Iraq