Deputy: There is deliberate negligence to thwart the governance system in Iraq and maintain corruption

Deputy: There is deliberate negligence to thwart the governance system in Iraq and maintain corruption

7/14/2020 18:14

Deputy - There is deliberate negligence to thwart the governance system in Iraq and maintain corruption[Baghdad_Eyein]
Member of the Parliamentary Communications and Media Committee Alaa Al-Rubaie confirmed on Tuesday that there is deliberate negligence to thwart the governance system in Iraq and maintain corruption.
Al-Rubaie said that “democratic systems always deal transparently through governance, which automates electronic systems, given that today there is suffering and corruption in the Iraqi state system because of the absence of the electronic system in the country.”
“If we took the border crossing points for example, if it included an automation and a good electronic system for exit and entry we would not have seen the existing corruption, and this matter includes other joints of the Iraqi state that cannot grow, develop and reduce corruption unless there is an electronic system that governs Those circles. ”
Al-Rabihi continued, “The reason for the absence of a good electronic system is that all the committees formed in the cabinet and ministries concerned to work with the electronic system or governance were committees that neglect to work on this aspect with intent and were not working seriously and realistic to thwart this system.”
He pointed out that “there is a big problem that we suffer from as an Iraqi state, which is poor internet service and telecommunications companies, which helped in the lack of achievement in this electronic system, and therefore its result today is the absence of justice and the reduction of corruption and has become many aspects without transparency.”