Deputy: reviving agriculture will push unemployment in Iraq by 10%

Deputy: reviving agriculture will push unemployment in Iraq by 10%

9/18/2020 13:45

Deputy - reviving agriculture will push unemployment in Iraq by 10 percentWhere’s News

Baghdad MP Mudhar Al-Karawi confirmed, Friday, that reviving the agricultural sector will reduce unemployment in Iraq by 10%.
Al-Karawi said in an interview with Ayn News, that “Iraq has vast areas of fertile agricultural land and a large human wealth capable of achieving self-sufficiency within a short period if a real road map is available in supporting national production and paying attention to the risk of random import and smuggling that harms the local sector.” .
Al-Karawi added, “The revitalization and support of agriculture in Iraq will reduce unemployment by 10% and perhaps much more because it is the largest sector in terms of its ability to provide very large job opportunities, pointing out that agriculture represents a very important solution to the file of unemployment and poverty in all governorates and can contribute to creating a movement. Stability in rural areas and reducing migration rates to major cities.
Iraq is distinguished by the abundance of fertile agricultural lands and the diversity of its agricultural production, but government negligence contributed to creating great difficulties for farmers in the past years.