Deputy: Re-raising the value of the dinar will take place gradually

Deputy: Re-raising the value of the dinar will take place gradually


Deputy - Re-raising the value of the dinar will take place graduallyMonday, member of the House of Representatives, Muhammad Al-Shammari, considered that Prime Minister Muhammad Shi`a Al-Sudani should focus on three files if he wants to succeed in his program, stressing that re-raising the value of the dinar will take place gradually.

In an interview with Alsumaria TV, Al-Shammari said, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’a Al-Sudani’s program is comprehensive in all aspects and has the basics that enable it to succeed.”

He added, “If the Sudanese wants to succeed in his government program, he must focus on three important files, which are services, the economy and fighting corruption.

Al-Shammari indicated that “the Sudanese are still insisting on raising the price of the dinar against the dollar, but there is an important decision, which is the budget law and Iraq’s accounts are based on the dollar exchange rate at 1448 dinars,” explaining that “the re-raising of the value of the dinar will take place gradually.”

And he indicated that “the Sudanese and coordination framework insist on restoring the dollar exchange rate to what it was, but within well-studied economic frameworks.”

Al-Shammari pointed out that “the previous government had a large financial deficit, which prompted it to raise the value of the dollar, and this was reflected in the value of the citizen’s income by more than 50% of his purchasing power.”