Deputy Prime Minister: the decline in the economy of Iraq caused by the militarization of the economy and policy Mrkzath

Counting Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Rose Nuri Shaways retreat Iraq in all walks of life and the general utility and industrial, agricultural and service and at the level of infrastructure due to the policy of militarization of the economy and the state Mrkzath but adopted by the former regime.

And by Harnessing all its resources to the wars that pushing and economic blockade imposed on Iraq since 1,990 and isolation from the world.

The representative of the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Akef Ihsan parliamentary for Shaways said in a speech to the Conference’s first businessmen in Iraq said Saturday that “what experienced by Iraq developments and leaps of scientific, technical and productive enormous led all to the case unenviable, a country ruined and shackled tens decisions and confusion in international wars and a paralyzed economy and infrastructure destroyed and a large debt and underdevelopment . “

He added, “In the New Testament after the change in 2003 went state from the outset to make changes in all spheres of economic, social and political, cultural, either on the economic front has taken a lot of administrative steps and procedures Aleghanwyneh targeted economic openness and the adoption of market policy and mobilize the private sector’s role and opening wider areas in front investors and businessmen and orientation to create a genuine partnership between the public and private sector, mixed and encourage domestic and foreign investment and openness to the world and the global economy and other measures and steps to make our economy more vibrant and dynamic. “

He argued, “as the state strives to restructure the economic and Diversifying its sources and freeing it from the Rentier through investment in other fields such as education and Alersaah, tourism and other fields, all of which constitute Tojaht a key strategy for the economic approach of the state, as the state is serious to make way for foreign and domestic for Reconstruction and Development Alaqsadah and human resources, as the government took serious measures to expand investment in various fields and service technological and introduced several pieces of legislation to open the way for investors and businessmen Foremost among these measures are age Investment Company Act of 2006 and Adakhal serious alterations in subsequent years and is intended to provide facilities for investors and companies “.

He stressed that “the government is serious in fighting financial and administrative corruption, including a so impediment in Iraq is determined to take legal action in this aspect of economic reform Greer we are still facing obstacles and difficulties and failures are not uncommon in the take actions these trends and plans and the failure Assab many stands in the forefront of inheritance heavy which we inherited from the previous regime and security conditions unstable and still tails continues today, in addition to the scourge of corruption financial and administrative that has spread in the joints of the state and political disputes and Otitha heavy on the general situation, “noting that” the process of construction and reconstruction that pour forth Iraq require the contribution of all economic sectors and waiting for the businessmen and the private sector to take its role in it.