Deputy: political differences have prevented the adoption of the law of oil and gas
Deputy: political differences have prevented the adoption of the law of oil and gas
04-09-2013 12:33 PM
Baghdad (news) .. A member of the Commission on oil and energy National Alliance MP Furat al-Shara, the difficulty of passing a law of oil and gas center of the political atmosphere and security charged. Shara said (of the Agency news): It has been previously set up a committee quad and the Union of Oil to consider the adoption of the law of oil and gas, but did not see the little thing For businesses, this committee, expressed hope that gives this law significance by political entities and the heads of blocs for approval before the next election. said: that the oil and gas law is the law of strategic key is of utmost importance to contribute Balasttbab security and political, economic and establish a good relationship between the federal government and the provincial government He pointed out that passing this law will open the door to pass laws other oil. between: that failure to approve the oil law is due to the presence of differences economic, political and legislative between the Governments of the center and the region where both see Article 112 of the Constitution, a constitutional article by Mairead and in the interest of the block or party and the entity and the component, stressing the need to have a political consensus between the blocks by holding a national conference to put aside their differences. mentions that the origin of the dispute between the governments in Baghdad and Erbil due to oil contracts concluded by the region and that it considers Baghdad illegal in say the region they are based on the Iraqi constitution and agreements bilaterally with the federal government. / End