Deputy: mafias of corruption at the Ministry of Oil threatens Allaibi death

Deputy: mafias of corruption at the Ministry of Oil threatens Allaibi death

Thursday, December 15, 2016 16:00

Deputy - mafias of corruption at the Ministry of Oil threatens Allaibi deathBAGHDAD / Baghdadi Uz..khv MP Salim Chawki, Thursday, on the threats received by the Minister of Oil Abdul Jabbar defect by the mafias of corruption in the ministry, noting that these threats arrived at the murder.

Shawki said in an interview with / Baghdadi News / “The Allaibi upon receipt of the post of oil minister has taken a number of measures to fight corruption and toggle officials and the abolition of the position of the agent, but these measures have not lived up some mafias of corruption that threatened him.”
He added, “These mafias told Allaibi stop procedures, and not to implement its plans by up to kill him,” pointing out that “the threats come by the cadres in the ministry itself,” .anthy 21 / d