Deputy Liberal: an empty treasury and must act to avoid the risk of an inability to pay salaries
Deputy Liberal: an empty treasury and must act to avoid the risk of an inability to pay salaries
20/04/2015 06:35 GMT
Baghdad-and babysit – called an MP for the Liberal bloc Nawal Juma, to the need for an immediate decision by the Council of Ministers to suspend the all expenses and expenditures that strain the budget.
Juma in a statement said, “The situation in Iraq Economic very dangerous, especially if we know that Iraq no cash reserve, and debt of more than $ 79 billion, a legacy of the previous government,” stressing “the importance of an immediate decision by the Council of Ministers spend stop all the charges and expenses that strain the budget vehicles as officials and delete Aldiavatt and incidentals within the ministries and reduce the deputations, the fact that most of them are not justified and that the delegation Alambos confined personalities connected nature of the reasons for the visit. ” Claim “to move correctly and thoughtful to avoid any risk or confusion or reflections may occur in the coming months, which may cause the inability of the state to pay the staff,” PSC / h salaries