Deputy: Legal Federal Court legislation, oil and gas deals with political crises

Deputy: Legal Federal Court legislation, oil and gas deals with political crises

6.12.2016 8:41

Deputy - Legal Federal Court legislation oil and gas deals with political crises[Where – special]
confirmed a member of the parliamentary legal, said on Sunday that a “legal and oil and gas legislation , the Federal Court will address a large part of the political crisis taking place in Iraq.”
Said Zainab Sahlani told all of Iraq [where] that ” the deportation of important laws to several sessions led to the aggravation of the crisis in the country, and the case without reaching effective solutions to the crises plaguing the political scene between now and then, Among these laws legally and oil and gas of the Federal Court due constitutional and legal importance in resolving differences. ”
She Sahlani that” Disclaimer views its responsibility sites through deportation laws and the lack of legislation led to the aggravation of the situation, because the deportation of those laws in order to find the true wizards of the crisis , “pointing to” the existence of a set of laws need to be amended in line with constitutional norms issued after the year 2005 “.
She was a member of the legal representative, confirmed earlier that the adoption of the laws [ of the Federal Court and the general amnesty, oil and gas , civil service, would be insufficient to calm the Iraqi street, and come up with solutions to all political differences and address the tragic situations .