Deputy: It was agreed to resolve the number of electoral districts to 83 districts throughout Iraq

Deputy: It was agreed to resolve the number of electoral districts to 83 districts throughout Iraq

10/23/2020 15:06:26

Deputy - It was agreed to resolve the number of electoral districts to 83 districts throughout Iraq{Baghdad: Al-Furat News} MP for the Al-Sadiqin bloc, Fadel Al-Fatlawi, announced that the number of electoral districts in the whole of Iraq would be decided by 83 electoral districts, rejecting calls to postpone the elections to 2022.
MP Al-Fatlawi said in a statement that “the political blocs continue their dialogues about the number of constituencies Electoral in each province. ”
He added, “It has been reached to settle the number of 83 electoral districts throughout Iraq,” noting that “there are still points of contention over some general lines with regard to Baghdad, Nineveh and Kirkuk.”
Al-Fatlawi explained that “the calls from some blocs to postpone the elections to the year 2022 are illogical and cannot be allowed,” noting that “it is possible to postpone or advance the elections for a month or two from their due date, but postponing them to 2022 is illogical.”