Deputy for the State of Law: Maliki’s coalition only candidate for the post of prime minister

Deputy for the State of Law: Maliki’s coalition only candidate for the post of prime minister

17/07/2014 14:10

Deputy for the State of Law - Malikis coalition only candidate for the post of prime ministerBaghdad – and babysit – A member of the State of Law Coalition MP Abdul Karim Ansari, said Nuri al-Maliki is the only candidate of the coalition for the post of prime minister, while noting that the critical stage plaguing Iraq require unite all groups, stressing the need to come out of the political blocs to form an integrated be a basis Iraq’s unity.
Ansari In a statement singled out the “public opinion”, on Thursday, said that “Maliki is the only candidate for a coalition of state law for the post of prime minister,” he said, adding that “the Iraqi constitution stipulates that are choosing a prime minister from the largest bloc and Mamanah that the National Alliance alone is which chooses the prime minister. ”

And about the nature of the formation of the government, Ansari pointed out that “there are two axes of the process of government formation is the first reference to the issue of compatibility and political partnership and the second move in the legislator electoral coalition, a political majority.”

He added that “this critical stage which requires plaguing Iraq unite all existing categories,” pointing out that the best solution is to come out of the political blocs to form an integrated unit and put Iraq on the first class of interests and commitment to the Constitution, passed by the Iraqi people. ”

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