Deputy for the powers: Abadi put us identify ministers who want change them

Deputy for the powers: Abadi put us identify ministers who want change them

15.03.2016 7:18

Deputy for the powers - Abadi put us identify ministers who want change them[Wayne – special]
deputy from the coalition said the Iraqi forces, said Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi Ask the alliance to determine the names of the ministers who want change them, without having to have a clear vision of his ministers negligent or corrupt.
He said MP Ahmad al – Mashhadani told all of Iraq [where] that “during a meeting Abadi with coalition forces, Sunday March 13, the vision was absent has when he suggested we identify ministers who want to change them, without having to have an assessment of his ministers.”
He added that “student – Abadi Alliance select the minister who does not deserve his position and corrupt, for transmission to the integrity and the judiciary and the lack of a reservation on the name of any minister either from the mass of Iraqi forces union or any other bloc. ”
he noted that” Abadi until now did not reach a final decision, and told us flexible as this issue and wondered what you would like him partial reform or destruction, as if throwing the ball in the court of parliament and political blocs, though he Kris ministers are supposed to have an assessment of the performance of his ministers and the sacking that did not lead his service and was a failure or corrupt, as an executive man primarily responsible for ministerial cabin ” .
saw al – Mashhadani said “al – Abadi has no real vision for the Ministerial change, we do not know do you put the change, for the purpose of the change, or reform, if reform means that there are ministers of losers we have to Nahilhm to eliminate.”
” The document put forward by al – Abadi, a blurry and floating and did not poses which covered the names of ministers to change, and what is the criterion of selection of the new minister, in addition to the reasons for the sacking of the former minister. ”
The Information Office of the Prime Minister announced last Thursday in March, said the 10 Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi sent a document comprehensive reforms ministerial amendment , which includes the criteria and mechanisms political blocs.
and gave Abadi political blocs to submit their nominations to fill government positions in a cabinet reshuffle expected until the end of this week, and form an independent commission of experts to review the CVs of the candidates and raise the names after the audit and review to the Prime Minister , where there will be more than one name for each bag of technocrats to choose the most efficient, and then displays it on the House of Representatives.