Deputy for the National: the next 48 hours will see the resolution of the names of the new ministerial cabin

Deputy for the National: the next 48 hours will see the resolution of the names of the new ministerial cabin

10.04.2016 18:33

Deputy for the National - the next 48 hours will see the resolution of the names of the new ministerial cabin{Baghdad} Euphrates News National Alliance MP Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, said: “The next 48 hours will see the resolution of the new ministerial cabin names, offering eight blocks Marchihaa to the Commission, and the prime minister.”
He said Jaafar told {Euphrates News} Sunday, said that ” the eight committee moved all the political blocs , ” noting that ” the parties of the National Alliance presented their candidates to the last eight of the Committee, and the names of candidates organize and arrange, and submitted to the Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi; to choose the right personal cabins ministerial new; because some bodies made ​​three figures; to choose one of them to the ministry. ”
he said the ” parties of the National Alliance reacted well, but the outskirts of the Kurdish forces and Sunni curb this moment did not give any candidate to the prime minister, “adding that” the Kurdish forces and Sunni demanding identification ministries that can attain the confidence of these parties, and whether the old method itself applied or will reduce the ministries. ”
He stressed that” eight of the Committee are the leaders of the National Alliance, and the most prominent Faleh al – Fayad, and Mohammed al – Hashimi, and Riad Ghraib, and Khalid al – Asadi, and Zia al – Asadi, and Ammar Tohme ” .
met three presidencies shortly before the presence of the President Fuad Masum, the Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, and Parliament Speaker Salim al – Jubouri, the head of the National Alliance , Ibrahim al – Jaafari, the head of the Iraqi Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al – Hakim, in addition to the Secretary General of the Badr Organization , MP Hadi al – Amiri, the head of the block independent Hussain al – Shahristani, the Secretary General of the virtue Party Hashem al – Hashemi, the head of a coalition united Osama Najafi, the head of the Arab coalition , Saleh al – Mutlaq, the head of the list of the solution Jamal Karbouli. The
meeting comes with a ten – day deadline set by parliament to study the ministerial cabin provided by the Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi names that end 31 last March. Ended h