Deputy for the law: the resolution of electoral points of the political blocs will be within 48 hours

Deputy for the law: the resolution of electoral points of the political blocs will be within 48 hours

08/16/2014 16:52

Deputy for the law - the resolution of electoral points of the political blocs will be within 48 hoursBAGHDAD / obelisk: Select the MP for the coalition of state law, Sheikh Ahmed Ali on Saturday, 48 hours to resolve the electoral points of the political blocs to form a government for the purpose of knowledge and the number of ministries will be filled by each block.

Sheikh Ali said in an interview for “obelisk” that “the electoral system points of the political blocs is extracted from the number of parliamentary seats occupied by the mass divided by the number of seats in the House of Representatives, and this is what was in effect during the formation of previous governments.”

He added that “the resolution of what is owned by each political bloc of electoral points will be within 48 hours, and that Kan will be forming a new government.”

He said Sheikh Ali that “these points will be linked to a number of government ministries in the cab and also to be determined by the ongoing negotiations to form a new government,” he said, adding that “most of the political blocs want to reduce Cab new government.”

The MP for the mass citizen Hamdiya Husseini has confirmed in an earlier statement, said Saturday, “The mass of the citizen believes in the necessity of the feminine and the next government ministries in order to reduce the economic recovery in the general budget, and also to eliminate corruption and achieving fairness.”

Commissioned by President Mohammad Fuad Masum, the current in the August 11, Dr. Haider Abadi, to form a new government within 30 days.

Observers and confirms that the task will be easy Abadi, especially after Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to withdraw from the nomination and withdraw the complaint made by the Federal Supreme Court has.