Deputy for the law is likely to start negotiations to form a new government within the next two days

Deputy for the law is likely to start negotiations to form a new government within the next two days

08/18/2014 19:11

Deputy for the law is likely to start negotiations to form a new government within the next two daysFollow-up – and babysit – most likely a coalition of state law, on Monday, the start of negotiations of the political blocs to form a new government within the next two days, and explained that while the political blocs formed negotiating committees, confirmed that the National Alliance has formed a committee to negotiate with the seven-other blocks.
The MP said the coalition Taha defense: “The negotiations to form a government began through the formation of committees of each political bloc, starting from the National Alliance, where a committee was formed sevenfold to negotiate with other blocs.”

He added that the defense “Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi had demanded the Kurdistan Alliance and the Union of Forces and other blocs to send negotiators and the formation of committees,” expected “to start negotiations over the next couple of days on the mechanism of the distribution of ministries and the formation of the government during the constitutional period of time.”

The MP from the Union of Forces National Nahida Daini revealed on Monday (18 August 2014), to provide the Union and paper bargaining to the National Alliance for the subscription of the new government, and as pointed out it includes 12 demands the most important participation in the political decision-making and the release of detainees, confirmed that Sunni forces withdraw fully from the government in the event of non-implementation of the demands.
