Deputy for the law is likely to approve the budget in the coming days

Deputy for the law is likely to approve the budget in the coming days

03/03/2014 12:25

Deputy for the law is likely to approve the budget in the coming daysBaghdad – and babysit – favored the MP for the coalition of state law, Salman al-Moussawi, approving the budget of the Federal Assembly in the coming days.
Moussawi said in a statement received news agency public opinion (and babysit) a copy of it, said on Monday that “the current year budget 2014 represents the work plan of the Iraqi state this year regardless of the outcome of the upcoming elections, stressing that the National Alliance will press strongly for the adoption of the budget in the coming days” .

He added that “any delay in approving the budget bill for the current year would harm the citizen directly because of its implications for the payment of salaries, project financing and so on.”

“The claims raise the ceiling for some of the political blocs and forgotten the interests of the Iraqi people-driven national character aborted all attempts to approving the budget and make it varied in place and thus disrupted the work of the Iraqi state as a whole.” P / h