Deputy for Badr al-Amiri did not sign the demarcation of the border with Kuwait

Deputy for Badr al-Amiri did not sign the demarcation of the border with Kuwait

29/01/2017 15:48

Deputy for Badr al-Amiri did not sign the demarcation of the border with Kuwait{Baghdad: Euphrates News} MP for Bader’s parliamentary bloc, Adel Al-Mansouri, said that “the vote on the Khawr Abd Allah Law was at the third session of the House of Representatives, as well as orders from former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, while denied the secretary general of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri sign an agreement the demarcation of the border. ”
Mansouri said in a statement the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it today that ” the secretary general of the Badr Organization , Hadi al – Amiri did not sign any agreement with the State of Kuwait for the demarcation of the border when he was minister of transport, pointing out that to regulate navigation agreement signed only”.
He noted that “Ameri – known big patriotism and can not prejudice the great jihadist history , which spanned more than 30 years and is rebuking the former regime and are now fighting terrorism and made great sacrifices for the sake of the nation and religion.”
” The vote on the Khor Al – Zubair law was at the third session of the House of Representatives, as well as orders from former Prime Minister Nuri al – Maliki.”
He said. “Amery known to everyone and must be sure of the news before the promotion and dissemination”
The office of Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi has responded, on Thursday, the last on the statements that were raised during the past week on the cabinet vote to give the creek channel Abdullah “as a gift” to Kuwait, noting that the Council of Ministers face in its recent completion of the engineering effort to update the coordinates of the Iraq – Kuwait border according to the international standards.
A spokesman for the office, Saad al – Hadithi, “The House of Representatives voted at its previous {2010 – 2014} on the ratification of maritime navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah waterway on 22 August 2013 Act, and therefore the Council of Ministers approved the previous Prime Minister Nuri al – Maliki , the minutes of the third session of the Commission Iraqi joint Higher Kuwait on January 17, 2014 “.
And Khor Abdullah is Creek is located in the northern Gulf between the islands of Bubiyan and Warba Alkwytetan and al -Faw Iraq ‘s Island and the creek runs into Iraqi territory , forming Khor Al – Zubair , which is located by the port of Umm Qasr of Iraq, the Iraqi government had in 2010 laid the foundation stone for the construction of the port great Faw on the Iraqi side of the creek, while the Kuwaiti government began construction of Mubarak Al Kabeer Port on the Kuwaiti side in the West Bank to the Khor Abdullah. is over