Deputy: Erbil has bypassed the constitution, and Baghdad has demanded its rights from Kurdistan’s oil, just like Basra

Deputy: Erbil has bypassed the constitution, and Baghdad has demanded its rights from Kurdistan’s oil, just like Basra

7/4/2020 15:14

Deputy - Erbil has bypassed the constitution and Baghdad has demanded its rights from Kurdistans oil just like Basra[Baghdad_Yan]
A member of the House of Representatives, Amer Al-Fayez, accused the Kurdistan Regional Government on Saturday of adhering to the positions in the negotiations between Baghdad and Erbil, considering that the federal government “did not raise the ceiling of its demands, but rather demanded the receipt of its rights resulting from the Kurdistan government.”
Al-Fayez said in a statement reported by Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper, that “the differences between the federal government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government are due to the strictness of the Kurdish position,” noting that “the quantities of oil exported from the region represent a major problem between Baghdad and Erbil.” He pointed out that “the Baghdad government has financial benefits for Erbil.”
He added that “Kurdish politicians do not want to respond to Baghdad,” stressing that “the latter’s demand for oil imports is fair and in accordance with the constitution which states that national wealth, including oil, belongs to Iraq as a whole, and this applies to Basra and other oil provinces, and must be applied to All governorates, including the provinces of the Kurdistan region.
Al-Fayez pointed out that “the Kurdistan region exported during the last period more oil than allocated to it, and did not hand over its revenues to the federal government,” noting that the region’s government “granted itself oil-related concessions without the approval of Baghdad, and this is unacceptable, because oil is a wealth patriotism”.
He continued, “If other provinces like Basra do what the Kurdistan region does regarding oil, then that means dispersion and lack of money for the general budget,” noting that “oil is one of the most important outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, as well as the border crossings that are National resources, as well as disputed territories.