Deputy Bader: American feeling of loss in Iraq paid to fabricate crises
Deputy Bader: American feeling of loss in Iraq paid to fabricate crises where
Tuesday January 2, 2013
BAGHDAD – babysit – MP for the mass Badr, cream Silverline America that feeling of loss in Iraq to make them work on fabricating crises sectarianism to restore its presence in the country.
The Silverline in an interview with Radio public opinion, Tuesday, “What happens from disagreements between the central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq is but one aspect of the U.S. intervention in the country and which seeks to find an atmosphere hostile to the Iraqi security forces, clearing JAL for them to redeploy their troops from again. ”
And added, “as well as what happened to the excesses of the recent demonstrations Anbar demonstrates orientations U.S. intelligence working on the introduction of Baathist elements and elements of the so-called army free to make Iraq ongoing crises Square”.
Noting that Iraq’s return to its unique location in the region and it represents a significant weight does not serve the visions and interests of America … p / i