Deputy: 2017 budget will go to a vote in Parliament soon

Deputy: 2017 budget will go to a vote in Parliament soon

23/9/2016 9:10

Deputy - 2017 budget will go to a vote in Parliament soon{Baghdad: Euphrates News} MP for the coalition of Kurdish blocs Rinas Gano, it would be to put the draft 2017 budget law as soon as the House of Representatives sessions.
Said Jano, told {Euphrates News} We are ” in the process of the legislative term for this period ends and the issue of the budget for the coming year will be on the agenda as soon as possible, and we know that the Ministry of Finance and the government in general over the budget and submitted the project.”
He added, “The House Representatives in the continuous hard work and there were a group of accumulated laws in the shelves of parliament in the previous session, but this session we cross the ratification stage and the issuance of these laws. ”
he added that” all of these laws has passed the stage to stay in the shelves, and there is movement in this file. ”
the member of the legal Committee of the parliamentary Secretary Baker, explained for {Euphrates News}, last Wednesday, that the 2017 budget law is still in the corridors of the Council of Ministers.
the, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance Fadel Prophet, confirmed on 18 September of this, for {the Firat News} that the ministry proposes to amend the budget in 2017 in accordance with the recent agreement with the international Monetary and submit them to the cabinet for approval.
the cabinet had voted in the 30th of the month of August, the draft budget law 2017.anthy p