Deportation of 15 detainees from Guantanamo to the United Arab Emirates

Deportation of 15 detainees from Guantanamo to the United Arab Emirates

8.16.2016 9:05

Deportation of 15 detainees from Guantanamo to the United Arab Emirates[Oan- follow]
According to US Department of Defense [Pentagon] that 15 detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba has deported to the United Arab Emirates.
The largest is the individual deported detainees process during the presidency of Barack Obama.
Will be reduced after this transfer the number of detainees at the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay to the 61 detainees.
According to statements by State Department official, was 12 of displaced Yemenis and three others declined to be named Afghanistan.
sought Pentagon has struggled to find a third country can agree to receive Yemeni detainees, can not be deported to their home countries because of the ongoing civil war.
the Pentagon said in a statement that ” the United States is grateful to the Government of the United Arab Emirates for this humanitarian Altheloihh and its desire to support efforts US current to close “Guantanamo.
usually released former detainees deported called with subjected to monitoring and rehabilitation programs.
welcomed by Amnesty international in the United States this announcement as an indication that President Obama is serious about closing the controversial facility before the end of his term.
the United States has already the deported last April nine Yemeni detainees from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia.
this came deportation based on a diplomatic agreement between Washington and Riyadh, agreed the last in which the receiver of Yemeni prisoners.
seeks US President Obama to close the Guantanamo prison before leaving the White House in January / January.
the White House announced a plan consisting of four points to close the prison, he said it will provide $ 180 million annually, but it faces opposition from deputies leading Republicans and some House Democrats in Congress.
it is Guantanamo Bay US naval base of the same name in southeast Cuba, and it was former President George W. Bush decided to open it to the detention of foreigners accused of terrorism in the wake of the September / September 2001 attacks
, but advocacy groups for human rights has long criticized the detainee income 780 inmates since it opened in 2002. he was detained many of those without charges or trials.