Deleting The Three Zeros One for One Exchange?

Deleting The Three Zeros One for One Exchange?


Deleting The Three Zeros One for One Exchange?The Iraq government and the Central Bank have published news reports of deleting the three zero’s. Deleting the three zero’s means the printing and distribution of new Iraq dinar currency. An article that was published in May 2013 details changes that would have occurred if the printing of the new currency would have taken place.

The article states that the former governor Dr. Sinan al-Shabibi has been replaced, the deleting the three zero’s will not take place.

I believe the last statement to be false as the new currency will be implemented in the future. Word on the street is sometime after the 2014 national elections.

I would also like to point out in the article that it gives a clue of the exchange rate when the new Iraq dinar currency is distributed. The article states a “one dinar be equaled to one US dollar or so.”
