Defense surprised by Hegel visit to Baghdad in light of the lack of seriousness of the United States to fight Daash
Parliamentary Defense surprised by Hegel visit to Baghdad in light of the lack of seriousness of the United States to fight Daash
Tuesday, December 9, 2014 16:07
BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. amazed and defense parliamentary Security Committee, on Tuesday, from visiting former US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to Iraq, saying the United States is serious in fighting organization “Daash.”
The head of the security and defense committee in Parliament of quitting in a statement / Baghdadi News /, “we are surprised by the visit of US Secretary of Defense previous to Iraq and who has submitted his resignation, which does not represent an official view,” calling “to know the truth about his visit and what are its goals and its benefits to the Iraqi people.”
He Zamili that “the United States if they were serious about eliminating” Daash “to spent it in one week because of the large for their likelihood,” stressing “the need to arm the tribes in Anbar, for its seriousness in fighting” Daash “and sacrificing martyrs.”
He noted that “arming tribes must be through the government, that you should know the possibilities of serious tribal fighting terrorism,” pointing out that “the United States violated the agreement between Baghdad and Washington, through the funding of armed groups with weapons and money.”
And reached US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel resigned today to the Iraqi capital Baghdad on an unannounced visit may be his last before leaving Mansbh.anthy 21 / T