Declare a state of high alert in a number of countries in the world after the Paris attacks

Declare a state of high alert in a number of countries in the world after the Paris attacks

11/14/2015 12:59 GMT

Declare a state of high alert in a number of countries in the world after the Paris attacksFollow-up – and babysit – announced a number of countries on high alert following the terrorist attacks witnessed by the French capital Paris last night.
In the United States, US police in Washington and New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles declared a state of high alert.

Bill de Balacio mayor of New York City and said he was deployed extensive security patrols in the vicinity of the French mission to the United Nations, as well as the French consulate in the city, it was also strengthened security measures in vital and crowded areas like Times Square, and in the vicinity of the tourist areas and including the Statue of Liberty area.

The mayor of Washington City Morrell Pausr intensify security measures in sensitive sites, including those related to France.

The Police Department also announced in Chicago that it is monitoring the situation closely in Paris, while police reinforced Mass., Security measures in vital installations in the state.

In Italy, Interior Minister Angeleno Alfano announced Friday evening, raising the level of security alert across the country, and Alfano said in a statement circulated by the ministry “has been tightening security measures in all parts of the Italian territory, and raise the level of security alert to the maximum grades.”

The statement added that the fight against terrorism in the ministry management “in constant contact with its French counterpart to follow up the developments of what is happening in France closely, and to adopt additional preventive measures.”

And pushed the bombings that rocked Morocco Paris to declare a state of security alert, Moroccan media source said that after the bombings directly received various Moroccan security forces strict instructions to take measures to confront any danger that might threaten the UK.
