Daily Star: the new government is not a radical change, and not enough to address the crises of Iraq

Daily Star: the new government is not a radical change, and not enough to address the crises of Iraq

09/11/2014 (00:01 pm)

Daily Star - the new government is not a radical change and not enough to address the crises of IraqTranslation term

Experts say that the new government in Iraq do not constitute a major change is needed more to confront the injustices that have contributed to the emergence of jihadist savages who seized large swathes of the country.

To gain the support of the various components of religious and ethnic in Iraq, especially the Sunni Arab exiles, deemed necessary in the government’s battle to regain territory lost after an attack by a group militants Daash.
But while Iraq faces international pressure great – including pressure from the United States and the United Nations – in order to do so through the formation of a government with a broad base, the other factors are considered more important.
MPs voted last Monday to 26 candidates for the ministries, advertisers mandate of Haider al-Abadi as prime minister. He announced senior Iranian officials Tuesday their support for the government Abadi new and its mission in the face of Daash, as did the Arab League, and at the same time praised Secretary of State John Kerry on the team, “new and comprehensive” as a “major event” a senior.
, but the bags of defense and interior remained vacant , have not been significant changes to the government. Since the quota positions granted to the Shiites, Sunni Arabs and Kurds have remained pretty much the same as in the previous government, and that one-third of the new ministers and deputy prime ministers already have taken similar positions before.
says Fenner Smith, a researcher at the Middle East Institute of the National University in Singapore ” in terms of the sectarian division of the government, in fact, it is quite comprehensive, if what we talked about numbers exclusively. ” In turn, says Kirk Sowell publisher newsletter for internal Iraqi politics, “the new government are not considered a radical change.”
both say that the focus on the formation of the government is misplaced, “to say that the last government had a comprehensive talk is meaningless to him. it a matter of policy.” Despite being a broad-based, the previous government headed by Nouri al-Maliki has ruled out the year and was often at odds with the Kurdistan region.
says Haddad, “It seems that the coverage is measured by the number of positions that are distributed on the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds, and this of course does not mean anything. what matters is authority granted by the job, so we will not know anything about the new government even begin their performance actually. ”
adds Haddad, saying that “what is important is how the government will deal with the provinces where fighting is taking, and with the Shiite militias that enhance the security forces, and with the Kurdistan region.”
and asked Abadi, a week to fill the posts of defense and interior ministers, and that will get them from play a prominent role in the relations between the government and the Sunni Arabs. The former Transport Minister Hadi al-Amiri, who heads the Badr militia, trying to prey on one of the two posts.
says Sowell “If you become Ameri minister of the interior, it would put an end to the post of security authority, with Sunni Arabs,” and agree mourning with him, saying, “Whatever the benefits obtained from the formation of a new government, I think that the appointment of Amery at the head of the defense or interior will be a big blow to the hope of re-Sunni bloc crucial to the political process. ”
It will be difficult, if not impossible, for the security forces to repel insurgents without the support of the local population in Sunni areas they control them, which is at least partially dependent on the relationship of politicians in government.
In this context, says Essam Philly, a professor of political science at the University of Mustansiriya “because the year were excluded from the previous government, there was no cooperation between the citizen and the security forces in the face of the security situation.”
