4-3-2012- Doc Unfortunately our skepticism has proven warranted. We just learned the National Meeting has been postponed with no date given. The reason given was in fighting. This coupled with the scheduled month long break for Parliament beginning mid April leads us to conclude that a short term resolution to the RV is improbable. We can only hope cooler heads will prevail and resolutions will proceed forthcoming. If not we continue to speculate June to September as the next probable timing. We report, you decide.
4-3-2012- DinarWishes Could today be the day? … Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought we would be here in April…Goes to show you that Nobody truly knows the time it will eventually go…I know it is coming!!!
4-3-2012- Enorrste They are…on record that the new currency is already or will be soon printed, to be ready to be issued in September. We also have the fact that the 2013 budget will be base on the new rate of the IQD. Finally, phase three will be a second RV to at least $3.50, unless it has already reached that level between the first RV and September. At that time the new currency will be introduced, the highest note of which is $100 dinars, a clear indication that the rate will start at or near a dollar. Both the old (current) currency and the new currency will co-exist for up to 2 years and both will remain legal tender throughout the process.
4-3-2012- Doc [Post 3 of 3] We do see release from chapter 7 in the short term with June being the absolute latest date based on that being next official meeting of the UNSC. As for Erbil we would be pleasantly surprised if it was resolved at the National Meeting along with a fully seated GOI. We would be elated if these issues were completed this week. With these issues resolved we would be happy to report all is done. Until then we watch patiently knowing the puzzle pieces are falling into place with just a few pieces still missing. We report, you decide.
4-3-2012- 8Ball Parliament comes into session tonight [Apr 2nd]…the agreements which were agreed to before the summit have to be passed through parliament this is one of the things that we are waiting for. Talibani delayed the budget going to the Gazzette…the 19th of April…it makes sense to delay it from making it public since if we think the RV is inside ANd that the GOI formation is the trigger so it looks to be lined up. The National Convention now has 2 weeks to resolve the internal Iraqi issues…this gives Maliki a few weeks to drag out the National Convention…which the Kurds started the negotiating process by turning off the oil pumps.