Daesh 250 thousand civilians are being held in 10 districts of western Mosul

Daesh 250 thousand civilians are being held in 10 districts of western Mosul


Daesh 250 thousand civilians are being held in 10 districts of western MosulRoudao – Mosul ,

with the continuation of combat operations between Iraqi security forces and organize Daesh in the right side of the city of Mosul, areas controlled by the organization in the city diminished, while baptizing militants to organize the use of civilians as human shields to impede the progress of Iraqi forces.

According to the commander of the Iraqi forces, Colonel Mohammed Adnan, that ” a new emergency plan developed for the control of the entire city of Mosul, and this plan will determine the fate of the city, because the areas controlled by the organization in Mosul Daesh much diminished.”

Adnan added that he “did not stay in the right side of Mosul , only 800 of an armed organization Daesh, most of them suicide bombers.”

For his part, the commander of the Iraqi forces, nice Abdul Hadi, “With the loss of the organization Daesh neighborhoods west of Mosul, baptizing militants organized to force civilians to retreat with them, and are currently holding about 250 thousand civilians within 10 districts, and in some homes live 5 or 6 families” .

The Iraqi Defense Ministry announced yesterday that “left west of Mosul , only 13 alive is not released.”

The Iraqi Ministry of Defense explained that “80% of the old liberated Mosul area, where Iraqi forces are trying to edit those areas about a month ago.”

And it launched the first phase of the battle to liberate the city of Mosul from the grip of the organization Daesh on October of the year 2016 . 17, with the participation of the Peshmerga forces and Iraqi forces, and with the support of the international coalition, was liberated on the right side of the city, and on 24 January 2017, launched the second phase from the battle to restore the right side of the city.
