Currency Daash doomed to fail for lack of the elements of contemporary Currency
Currency Daash doomed to fail for lack of the elements of contemporary Currency
19-11-2014 11:48 AM
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The announcement by the organization Daash on his quest for the issuance of its own sensation currency highlighted the efforts of the jihadists tireless efforts to practice economic activities on a large scale.
questioned international reports in the chances of success of the organization Daash, the most powerful militant groups in Syria and Iraq, in the expansion of economic activities within their moves to gain legitimacy by owning the ingredients enjoyed by states. The press reports had said last week that Daash want to restore the historic Dinar, who was traded in the Islamic civilization, has been announced by the elders in the mosques in the city of Mosul. It seems that the Dinar Daash proposal is made of a mixture of Minerals, which is the first step for the issuance of coins of gold and sterling silver, used for the first time days succession Othman bin Affan. He says economic analyst Justin Drennan in an article published in “Foreign Policy” magazine US The new currency success requires several factors must first be available, before they are issued. He added that there is a need for people to be convinced that this currency is a means stable transactions, “which means that both of the society in which they decided to use this currency and the body that proceeded to issuance Mstaqran.” He pointed out that in order for there to be a desire to get that currency to meet some goods and services, “should convince people that they can also be easily exchanged when they wish to do so.” The United Nations recommends the confiscation of oil Daash New York – recommended the report of the United Nations to confiscate all oil tankers heading to and from the controlled organization Daash in Iraq and Syria, the areas with the aim of drying up sources financing jihadist organization from the sale of oil. He suggested the report prepared by the United Nations team in charge of the application of the sanctions imposed on the Islamic extremist organizations, preventing flights to and from controlled Daash areas in order to prevent the organization from obtaining goods or weapons. will discuss the members of the UN Security Council This report today in the framework of the decision is also aimed at drying up financing “Front victory” sources, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda. The meeting, which was held under the chairmanship of Foreign Minister of the Australian Julie Bishop aims to look into ways to strengthen the international community’s efforts to counter the jihadist threat in Syria and Iraq. The UN Security Council issued in August, a decision aimed at drying financing jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq, sources and prevent foreign jihadis from joining them, threatening to impose sanctions on every state that does not abide by this decision and buy oil producer in under the control of Islamic extremists areas. Oil and generates organize Daash, according to the report, up to $ 1.65 million per day, and through the jihadist organization’s dependence on a fleet of affiliated brokers tanks in charge of product oil smuggling in the control of the organization and sell it on the black market areas. The report did not mention the routes of these tanks in smuggled oil, but reminds Turkey as a transit country mainly for those exports before returning tanks back to Iraq and Syria, loaded this time oil derivatives duplicate. Although the organization was able in the last period to put his hand on the huge amounts of money, but the geographical boundaries controlled by, still vague. He did not give the organization even Now the place minting new currency will be in it, which reflects his part package of problems that come in the forefront of building confidence about the currency issued by the terrorist group suffering under aerial bombing campaign of violent, as well as involvement in several battles more virulent on the ground in Syria and Iraq. He Drennan that ordinary people are aware that the international community will not allow that to be the organization of financial transactions on an international scale, which will have a deep impact on the decline. It seems that the problems facing the fledgling currency does not just stop at this point. Experts say that in order to economists recognize something that money it would require to be a means of exchange and the unity of account and store of value. Experts point out that the currency Daash could be a store of value, because the militant group tried to derive their value from the price of the metal (silver or gold) used in the minting, which is a positive aspect could suddenly disappear if he decides the economic wing of the organization Banknotes version. But almost daily border change, as well as the lack of portability in the West to enter into a business relationship with the organization, it would not allow that comes out of the use of currency for control areas, which will make up the next-money laundering from there difficult. Some experts say that people, in areas under the control Daash, will not be able to parallel the value of the dinar account (Aldaasha) and the extent of its purchasing power, and whether it is equal to any of traded goods. Drennan says the currency Daash will not be able at any time “access to the stability and efficiency that you need any currency or any other form of money, which enjoys the confidence of the people.” He adds, “If you have already been released, this will be the currency cause in the demolition of the legitimacy of the state sought by the organization, rather than be its starting base. ” Justin Drennan: currency Daash may become a reason for the demolition of legitimacy rather than strengthened and confirmed that the value of gold as a metal that can be useful in estimating the Aldaashah value of the currency, but people are becoming less sensitivity to the value of the precious metals and more dependent on the money. According to a statement issued by the organization Daash in the last week, the currency version aims to stay away from ‘unjust financial system’ in the words of the statement. He said he will issue a statement later to explain the value of the currency exchange, and where it can be provided. The organization said that the currency ‘dedicated to the face of God’ will help Muslims to be free of the ‘global financial system based on usury satanic.’ controlled organization Daash vast areas of Iraq and Syria, and seeks to establish a state of the Islamic caliphate in the region. quoted CNN channel to former Assistant US Treasury Secretary Jimmy Gorel saying that Daash ‘unlike al-Qaeda, who was receiving funding from abroad, has a self-financing basis.’ He added The funding comes from oil, and the amount of the ransom and taxes stolen antiques. He said ‘It’s the richest terrorist organization the world has ever known, and this kind of money is difficult to understand its potential, and what you can do this.’ He pointed out that ‘the difficulty, of course, in this kind of money , that you can not just put money in the shoe box or under your bed, it has to intervene in the financial system in a given moment, and I think that the Treasury Department to focus on banks in Qatar, for example, which can receive Daash funds and dealing with.