Conversion of the remaining debt from Kuwait to service projects
Conversion of the remaining debt from Kuwait to service projects
11/25/2014 0:00
Baghdad Jinan Asadi
indicated the Ministry of Environment to the existence of efforts to convert the remaining debts to Kuwait to environmental projects ranging from Nikhaib to Safwan within the strategic Arab Anti Altsahr.oukal technical agent of the Ministry Jassim Falahi “morning”: that the ministry is preparing to conclude an agreement with the Kuwaiti side to activate Arab Strategy to Combat Desertification and in coordination with the United Nations representative, as it has been agreed in principle to convert the remainder of the Kuwaiti owed by the country’s debt to environmental projects that serve both sides of Nikhaib to Sphoan.wachar that the country has seen in recent times a lot of dust and sand storms that have affected the Both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, which have expressed their cooperation to improve the environmental situation through a formal invitation to the ministry to strike a cooperative agreement between the two sides, especially to address the consequences of terrorism, which reached excitement to the regional countries and Nazhan.filahi said the ministry is currently working on the activation of a number of international conventions and protocols that will contribute improving the environmental situation, especially in the cleared areas of the terrorist gangs, noting that he was finished all the technical preparations for the implementation of the environmental assessment processes in these areas and secure the return of displaced people without exposing their lives to danger, especially after that display a number of countries to provide technical and material assistance for the return of displaced families to home.