Contradictory accounts of Talabani’s health and treatment costs in excess of $ 50 million

Contradictory accounts of Talabani’s health and treatment costs in excess of $ 50 million


TalibaniPalm – with politicians is counting on to resolve the political crisis that beset the country immediately after the return of President Jalal Talabani of therapeutic journey in Germany, conflicting news on the health status of President Talabani, which cost the state treasury so far $ 50 million.

Despite the reassurance that sends messages by close to Talabani, but other sources suggest that Talabani’s health condition is stable, just as others are trying photographed.

According to a number of politicians who visited him in Refinery in Berlin, the return of Talabani was close, and said in a press statement that “Talabani is in good health at the moment, which will be fully prepared to return to Iraq soon.”

But senior political sources confirmed that President Talabani’s health is not so good, and his health even in the case of returning, will not allow him to do any effort may die his life.

In the meantime, reported that Talabani’s trip cost the state $ 50 million distributed between treatment and allowances and expenses to set up and escorts, hotels, recreation and convalescence. Expects a parliamentary and political circles that are raised journey therapeutic President Jalal Talabani as a pressure on the president in the event of abandonment of the Prime Minister and the lineup with a coalition withdraw confidence from it.

Did not rule out that the file is “therapeutic journey” new wave paper in order to achieve further gains, expressing their belief that the policy of collecting files by the leader of a coalition of state law will encourage some lawmakers to ask their questions aloud.