Congress: Iraqi Dinar setback for errors not far from the central government in the file

Congress: Iraqi Dinar setback for errors not far from the central government in the file

05/16/2013 (23:01 pm)

Iraqi dinar setbackBAGHDAD / Mohammad Sabah

He said deputies from the Integrity Committees and economic النيابيتين that measures suffered by the central bank and the former crew, led to a significant setback for the Iraqi dinar against the dollar recently, as part of a package of measures is studied which led to a decline in the reputation of Iraq in front of the financial community in the world.
Recent weeks have seen the high exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar as it was about 1300 dinars to the dollar after it was at 1270 early last April. The price of 1170 dinars to the dollar in the fall of 2012.
In a surprise move met with استهجانا parliamentary wide, decided Maliki last October, the prime BSA Abdul Basit Turki functions of the central bank governor, rather than bank governor, former Shabibi, against the backdrop of “charged issues of financial and administrative corruption,” especially in the processes Auction dollar, charges have not proven the judiciary.
And confirms MP Aziz Kadhim Alwan, a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, said that “the measures taken by the government against the previous administration of the Central Bank and in front of the market and the global banks overshadowed a significant rise in the price of the dollar against the dinar,” and believed that “these actions were not deliberate and healthy and affected on teams currency “.
In a statement to the “long” yesterday, confirms Alwan said “the policy of the Central Bank of the current is not better than the previous one where we saw the decline dinar significantly, which opens several questions about the bank’s policy,” adding that “the problem behind them political agendas, in addition to the sanctions being selectively. ”
The promise of a member of the Integrity Committee that “the involved conduct a waste of public money is a circle of money laundering only, and instead charge for this circle were honored its president by the government which is surprising,” adding, “There are also implicated clear of banks and supplements and businesses, which are the other not held accountable, despite involved money laundering operations. ”
The attention of member bloc citizen that “what is happening is accountable for the innocent and not for thieves and this applies to the President of the Integrity Commission Previous Rahim Okkaily who wanted to tackle corruption Foukb were deported as well as the head of Alfodah Electoral former Faraj al-Haidari there were attempts at being fired.” Alwan is that “all the arrests that took place against the staff of the Central Bank, which, amounting to 29 prisoners and detained all of them are innocent, according to the decisions of the judiciary, which freed us all.” In the opinion of a member of the Parliamentary Integrity that “the problem lies in the management of the country’s political, security and economic and commercial shoddy and poor development of import and export as well as customs tariff,” adding that “this has encouraged the spread of corruption in all government departments, even offices of the three presidencies.”
Meanwhile, a deputy Ahmed al-Alwani, a member of the parliamentary economic committee, said that “there are financial companies belonging to the political forces that manipulate the price of the dollar as you want without any accountability by the government.” Alwani adds, in an interview for the “long” on Wednesday, saying that “these companies are monopolizing the dollar banking in its banks and its own banks, raising the price of the dollar against the dinar.”
The Chairman of the Committee emphasizes that the economic “measures the new central bank administration greatly bothered by this banking companies paid to the monopoly of the dollar,” pointing out that “the deteriorating political situation has a great impact in the decline rate of the dinar against the dollar.”
And on the measures taken by the government against the former central bank chief Sinan Shabibi and his crew administrative, see Alwani said, “What happened to the prosecution and arrests do not tolerate Shabibi and his crew, but there were procedures hasty has Ptivha Integrity Commission against the bank’s management earlier,” returned that this “was actions were arbitrary and incorrect. “Alwani was a member of the Parliamentary Committee to investigate the file’s central bank, confirms that” the problem reached by the Commission investigative parliamentary regarding the central bank is having banking companies belonging to political parties made bonds forged the bank. ” And stresses the Iraqi List MP that “the existence of mismanagement and not corrupt in the administration Shabibi after the intervention of banking companies do not apply the controls, because these companies linked بالقنصليات and Missions overseas business, and therefore all the measures taken were harsh and incorrect and the government re rights of these employees. ” He adds Alwani, saying, “The government tried to acquire initially on hard currency, but Shabibi did not agree and argued a lot on the grounds that the bank is an independent body unrelated third party, according to the Constitution,” adding that “the central bank is linked administratively parliament and thus is of يحاسبه If a mistake is not the government” . Alwani believes that “the Integrity Commission has not real duties toward the central bank because of political pressures brought to bear them in order not to hold negligent.” The deputies, politicians and economists have accused the central bank to last six months to burn “an average of four billion dollars a month in an auction of hard currency for the benefit of ten banks, mostly with capital Gulf, you buy a day most of the claims of the Central Bank of hard currency and make a profit obscene Up to 6%, which it controls the Iraqi economy. ”