Congress bring about an American secret concessions to Iran

Congress bring about an American secret concessions to Iran

Mon, April 11, 2016 08:38

Congress bring about an American secret concessions to IranBaghdad / follow Baghdadi News / … Newspaper “Word Trabion” of America, the US Congress intends to investigate whether President Obama has given Iran’s secret nuclear concessions in exchange for the signing of the agreement.
The move comes after a statement a number of members of the House of Representatives that Barack Obama may have agreed to allow for the completion of Tehran’s ballistic missile launch moderately operations and dealing with the US economy as part of a joint comprehensive plan of action.
That said Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo of Kansas, who was among those conducting the investigation, for the site, “The Washington Free Beacon”: “When you make several officials, including Foreign Minister John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Liu and Ambassador Mall, testify before members of Congress, we find ourselves inclined to believe them. ”
He added that the gap between their promises on Iran nuclear deal and alarming facts that we see today are expanding rapidly, and we are trying to determine whether this is a scam intended by the administration, or a new level of compliance worrying Iranian demands.
For his part, he stressed the Acting Undersecretary of the US Treasury’s Adam Szubin in September / September 2015, in a speech to the House of Representatives, that Iran can not get a chance to play the dollar dealings, whatever the cost and regardless of the circumstances. However, Zubin statement does not conform to the report published by “AP” in March 2016, which pointed out that the Obama administration is considering easing financial restrictions that prevent Iran from using the US dollar in their transactions, which would provide a big boost to the Iranian economy.
In addition, Democratic Rep. Brad Sherman of California sent a letter to President Obama stating that allowing Iran to use the dollar “completely contrary” to the items mentioned in the nuclear agreement.
For his part, House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin said that the reports “very disturbing” and called on Obama to “abandon this idea at all.”
The report also said that Iran has test-fired a missile that can carry a nuclear device, which US and British, French and Germans officials described as a violation of the UN resolution.
According to the same report, it was the four powers drafted a message refers to the process of the rocket launch as a violation of UN Security Council resolution which called on Iran to refrain from any activity related to ballistic missile, capable of carrying nuclear weapons, for 8 years, including the experience of operations and launch.
Commenting on that Ambassador Stephen Mall in December said that Iran is to launch a ballistic missile is not considered a violation of the comprehensive joint action plan, but it is a violation of Security Council resolutions Ata.anthy 21 / T