Committee member, Representative Jamal Koujar: The three-year budgets will be carried out in accordance with political agreement, with the addition of restrictions on the government

Committee member, Representative Jamal Koujar: The three-year budgets will be carried out in accordance with political agreement, with the addition of restrictions on the government


Committee member Representative Jamal Koujar - The three-year budgets will be carried out in accordance with political agreement with the addition of restrictions on the governmentThe Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed that the three-year budgets will pass in accordance with the political agreement, with the addition of a condition on the government.

Committee member Representative Jamal Cougar stated, in a press statement, that the prevailing opinion in the House of Representatives is that the budget pass for three years with the addition of a condition or restriction on the government. To pay a loan now and at the same time pay the amount for the next two years, and that oil prices can change and therefore we need to adjust the budget numbers.

He explained, “The discussions on the budget with ministers and specialists are still continuing, due to its full maturity and completion, and it can be passed in the coming days with political consensus, and it will not exceed the current month.”

Cougar pointed out that the authority of the Finance Committee is to reduce budget numbers, transfer amounts and chapters between ministries, institutions and governorates as needed, and add paragraphs that do not include a financial side.