Closed stock exchanges and absent certainty.. There are no real prices for the dollar in Iraq
Closed stock exchanges and absent certainty.. There are no real prices for the dollar in Iraq
Yes Iraq: Baghdad
The state of uncertainty about the real prices of the dollar continues in the markets, as experts and specialists believe that the prices traded by some specialized offices and platforms do not reflect the real prices of the dollar, because the main stock exchanges in the capital, Baghdad, have been closed for days.
Since last Saturday, when security forces raided the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges and arrested a number of “speculators” and currency monopolists, according to security data, the stock exchanges closed their doors and did not announce the dollar prices for the past four days.
On the other hand, specialists question the traded prices and consider them “unreal” because there is no clear price reference represented by the stock exchanges.
The price of the dollar is currently trading above 161 thousand dinars per 100 dollars in the capital, Baghdad, amid constant fluctuation in prices due to the absence of stock exchanges, which are the real reference for prices, as the last update for the application of stock exchanges is the closing day last Thursday.