Citizen: most of the blocs agreed to hold a hearing “full quorum” next Tuesday

Citizen: most of the blocs agreed to hold a hearing “full quorum” next Tuesday

19/05/2016 14:29

Citizen - most of the blocs agreed to hold a hearing full quorum next TuesdayBAGHDAD / tomorrow Press: MP for the Bloc citizens, Jabbar Arhiv, Thursday, that there are meetings and negotiations are continuing between the political blocs in order to achieve the full quorum to hold a parliamentary session attended by all the political blocs.

He Rhiv in a statement for “tomorrow ‘s Press,” that ” the ongoing negotiations between the political blocs for a reunion to hold a hearing full quorum to stabilize the political and security situation, noting that” the parliamentary citizen bloc is working seriously with the rest of the blocks to hold a hearing as soon as possible . ” . He added that “possible hearing held next Tuesday the existence of consensus among most of the political blocs , ” asserting that “most of the political blocs announced that it has no objection to attend the session.”

He stressed the decision the House of Representatives, Imad Youkhana, earlier Thursday, for “tomorrow’s Press,” that efforts are under way in order to achieve a quorum to hold a comprehensive meeting, likely to be held in the middle of next week.