Chaos after the Americans leave
Chaos after the Americans leave
Date: Saturday 08/25/2012 10:00 am
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with continued political turmoil armed groups will seize the opportunity to step up attacks and destabilize the country. Goal of fueling sectarian tensions and retrieve lost strongholds. In and twenty-first of July the Islamic State of Iraq announced a new campaign of attacks, where insurgents targeted through the process of “breaking down barriers” restore areas where they lost in an attempt to undermine the government. July deadliest month in two years. The attacks coincided with the holy month of Ramadan,
Where the number of deaths in this month 411. When the jihadists began to enter the country before and during the US-led invasion in 2003, established the rules for themselves in the western regions. But before the United States decides to sustain momentum in 2007, to negotiate with tribal leaders to encourage them to fight the rule that these tribes no longer tolerate its excesses. This emerging movement – dubbed after awakening name – managed to deter insurgents and to allow the United States to focus on the fight against violence in and around Baghdad. Today, after the withdrawal of U.S. troops and with the deterioration of the political situation, al-Qaeda is trying to change the balance of power again. Recent advertising campaign sheds considerable light on the modus operandi. One video published late June shows planning military operations against the security forces and Awakening men who still constitute an obstacle to the insurgents. It is by wearing civilian clothes and get them silenced weapons, insurgents continue the killings and attack surprise checkpoints so that it is not possible for the security forces enough time to respond. In one tape clips complain Tareq al-Hashemi that the Americans had left the clan facing insurgents, and the latest video shows Rafie al-Issawi, is warning that rule replaces the politicians in the event of failure of the political process – and is exactly what the insurgents want, and dubbed the tape “traitors “Some politicians such as Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq and parliament speaker Osama al-Nujaifi for being fooled and took part in the government of national unity, but they have no real power. More importantly, the tape presented a beautiful picture of the base. With the militants cut off heads and blow up cars without mercy, they are trying to win hearts and minds where they surprised members awakening visits in middle of the night and instead of killing them, they Ihdhirounam and give them a chance to live through demanding the signing of the “Adoption of remorse” because leaving them to the teachings of Islam (which a crime punishable by death).
insurgents do not necessarily want the fighters to stand by them but just leave arms and abandon their duties on the basis that these are their last chance and they would be killed individuals who successors and their promises. Was the biggest attacks in Baghdad are targeting anti-terrorism bureau on July 31 where two car bombs exploded near the office and destroyed the building, and despite the fact that the security forces quickly surrounded the building, the attack shows that the insurgents still have the ability to hit the sensitive places in the capital. Another tape shows the evolution of the insurgency, where displays tape Aljhaien and are training with live ammunition in the light of the day and practicing their attacks on security targets. In one of their operations detonated in a modern city – in Anbar province – and moving from one checkpoint to another and they are killing members of the security forces. Al Qaeda militants wearing clothes forces “rapid response” of the Interior Ministry forces and driving wheels “Swat” official and are armed with heavy weapons and using night-vision goggles and sophisticated communications equipment. Although the group is a mixture of armed Iraqis and Arabs, the users of communication devices speak the Iraqi dialect, and understand the “language” used in the security of Iraq. They masquerading good clothes security forces to the point that they sometimes do not get to know each other, because they’re in one accident drama started screaming at each and ordering them to lie without realizing they were from their members, have also been killed, two of them in this way.
seems that Iraq stumbles a lot when it comes to security gains achieved during the past few years, but the efforts to deter base is very dependent on the security situation in order not to make way for militants to conduct their operations. n: Guardian
Source: almadapaper