Chalabi: There smuggling of dollars through remittances Central Bank

Head of the Investigative Committee on the accounts (DFI) with the Central Bank of Ahmed Chalabi and a Smuggling Dolaran by the central bank transfers abroad.

Chalabi said in a press conference held at the parliament building that “central bank sales of dollar in the 2006 – 2009 amounted to [207] billion [832] million, or an average of 56% of the total, and that the amounts sold times what Astorda Iraqi private sector in that period, “adding that” the difference between the import and what has transformed it is only for money laundering, “noting that” Iraq’s revenues from oil between 2006 – 2009 amounted to 370 billion and 847 million. “

He added that “the Commission deepened in analysis and adopted a randomly selected from 15 April to June 15 the last two in 2012, it is clear it that the total auction sales were more than seven billion dollars, and the share of more than five banks Hraoua of dollars more than four billion dollars, which is equivalent to 57% of the total, and that these banks have turned most of their purchases to the National Bank of Abu Dhabi, with a share of more than two billion dollars, and Bank of Jordan Finance House more than two billion dollars. “

He added that “these figures and focus remittances in banks raised interest Committee and continued scrutiny and managed access to information concerning one of these five banks, it is clear from the analysis of remittances in April last year, that bought Bank of central bank auction amounted to more than $ 341 million, where on the bank of the amount total of more than $ 267 million to exchange companies in the United Arab Emirates and Jordan, and got one of the exchange companies on the $ 53 million, while the company acquired another 50 million, all in one bank of five banks in just one month, and did not Central Bank provides us with information about the other four banks. “

He Chalabi “It is clear we have mentioned that we have access to the ultimate beneficiary of these transfers, the _kina in that a lot of money financial corruption in Iraq find their way to the outside through remittances, but we did not get most of the information required from the relevant sources in Iraq, so we will resort to international parties to get this information. “

He said the “central bank reserves is a cover of the Iraqi dinar, which is in the possession of every Iraqi citizen and therefore ask the central bank to publish daily on its website the total reserve and the details of Currencies and gold in any foreign banks kept. “

The chairman of the investigative on the accounts of [Development Fund for Iraq] at the Central Bank that “the total auction sales in the first three months of 2013, amounted to [10] billion [152] million and compares with sales for the same period of last year [10] billion [149] million dollars but the price of the dollar in the free market, currently [1280] dinars to the dollar while the central bank rate is [1180] dinars to the dollar while the dollar for the same period last year to exceed [1220] dinars to the dollar and the price of the bank was himself. “

He called Chalabi central bank to “curb this disparity in the price of the dollar because its continuation will cause higher prices and an increase in inflation and the erosion of citizens’ income and especially the staff, “adding that” the House of Representatives did not distract the Commission any amount to cover the expenses of financial experts who need them Committee approved by the Board and President Parliament Osama Najafi despite claims repeated oral and written.