Central “Iraq refuses to repay debts of $ 1.7 billion remittances yellow for” Egypt “
Central “Iraq refuses to repay debts of $ 1.7 billion remittances yellow for” Egypt “
May 21, 2013
Said Nora Albjara member parliamentary economic committee, MP for Iraq, said the Iraqi Central Bank refused to pay the $ 1.7 billion debt yellow remittances of Egyptian labor skeptical size. The recent visit of the Egyptian Prime Minister to Baghdad has resulted in the formation of two committees in the two countries, Iraq and Egypt to uncover the real debt and resolve the problem. It showed Bijari for “News of Moscow” Details Egyptian debts on Iraq, saying, “The decision was issued in 1989 for the Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council dissolved the text that” Arab communities or labor that were operating in Iraq, has the right to convert $ 1,400 per year to their families, and are converted exaggeration remaining to CBI gives them accordingly yellow card. ” She “after the war, Iraq – Kuwait, and the Alliance of States against Iraq, summoned Hosni Mubarak, the former president of Egypt, all citizens of Egyptians working in Iraq in a hurry, did not allow them to liquidate their remaining.” said Bijari “In 2003 a section of the Egyptian labor sold Mbalghm by a mechanism in international law, are entitled to sell their debts, for example, someone has a debt to the Central Bank of 50 thousand dollars, calls for the International Monetary Fund by giving him 25 Alpha, determines the fund recover the rest of Iraq, and it Take a section of this debt through the IMF, particularly that Iraq was under UN sanctions in the nineties and its assets and deposits of oil exports go to this fund. “and pointed out that some of the workers have the companies you are dealing with Iraq, according to the memorandum of understanding,” Food and Drug Administration, “they earn money according to this formula, and took refuge in other United Nations without the knowledge of the Egyptian authorities, claiming that their debts are arranged on Iraq have been granted it with the deduction of the amounts of the International Monetary Fund. said: and then demanded Egyptians Iraq Bembalghm, and negotiations began between the Central Bank, the Iraqi embassy, and the ministries of finance, without reaching a result, because the bank has the sovereignty and is an independent body refused to pay the amounts demanded by Egypt, saying that “some of these transfers yellow placebo and is not convinced it,” and it remained File stuck. drew Bijari that the Iraqi Council of Ministers in 2011 and agreed to exchange (408) million during the month of October in the same year, but the money did not happen because the bank renewed rejection in a decision issued by the noted lack تأكده of health claims Egyptian questioning Department of them fake it. revealed the MP that the Egyptian government said Iraq’s “The Number of owners remittances yellow reach 625 thousand due, mostly labor-poor. quoted MP to say about the Ministry of Manpower Egyptian “We have a law indicates that the labor that left Iraq and compulsory totaling 1790 factor has debts of the former Iraqi government between 2000 to $ 2500 , and some of them 2377 dollars. ” and explained that some of the Egyptians began to exploit this debt, demanding benefits to end their working years, which amounted for 30 years, according to their statements, demanding equal amounts of their debts and many of them fake claims. And highlighted Bijari light on the central bank, which called for the Egyptian authorities to open an immediate investigation to find out the number who received funds through the United Nations, who took money from the companies through a memorandum of understanding. diagnosed member of the Economic Commission parliamentary reservoir dispute that the Central Bank of Iraq affirmed its readiness to pay 400 million, while Egypt insisted on the amount of $ 408 million and it formed two committees of the two countries to resolve the file.